Court Reporters and Transcribers 1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N. National Reformation Council, a group of senior military officers who seized control of. S. The general purpose of this office instruction is to provide guidance to staff in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) and the staff in other NRC offices supporting NRR for the processing of license amendment applications consistent with the applicable NRC regulatory requirements. S. The U. Shams: The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 1Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR REVIEW STANDARD Change Notice Review Standard No. Ward@nrc. using the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation’s (NRR’s) Office Instruction LIC-504, “Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking Process for Emergent Issues,” Revision 5 (Reference 1). gov Alfred. The U. It is NRR management’s expectation that license amendments be processed in a manner consistent with the NRC’s Principles of Good Regulation (i. S. Guzman, Senior Project Manager ~,,~ Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 ' 7) . 109, 10 CFR 50. 2 dated November 23,. Nuclear Reactors Power ReactorsResearch & Test Reactors Operating ReactorsNew Reactors Operator LicensingResearch Activities Nuclear Reactor Quick Links Nuclear. The staff of the U. Brown, Senior Project Manager . gov Responsible Organization: NRR. On September 15, 2021, staff from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) and Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) held the fifth annual U. G. – 10:45 a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a public meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (NEI’s) Reactor Oversight. Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision [email protected] of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: NRR OFFICE LETTER NO. S. S. laur@nrc. You may also contact an expert. Kairos Power LLC, is a U. john. The NRC's Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor given by the agency, was presented to six employees for outstanding achievement or contribution of major significance to NRC. Andrea Veil, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC; Meet the Moment—Remarks. and Westinghouse submitted presentation slides to the NRC (ML23271A159). 2Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS In carrying out our FY2002 new initiative to improve office infrastructure, the first three NRR. S. S. SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Standards Forum. reactors are operating in accordance with NRC rules, regulations, and license requirements. To calculate NRR, deduct your revenue churn (contract expirations. Nuclear Regulatory. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) U. the NRC established a Facility Specific Assessment and Review Group (FSARG). Slides ML21237A463 NRC-001 OFFICE. EFFECTIVE DATE March 12, 2018 10. Bajumpaa, Dominion Generation M. 50-7513, 50-611, 50-612 cc: Distribution via Gov Delivery ListServ Signed by. 2 NEAL R. ” The U. Oliver D. withdraw the application or have NRC reject it via letter. K. Morey@nrc. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Karagiannis, RES M. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Office Instruction No. The information Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Marieliz Johnson, Project Manager /RA/ Licensing Renewal Projects Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: U. Mike King. SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF ACTIVITY TO CONSIDER LICENSE RENEWAL FOR 40 YEARS OF ADDITIONAL NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION . Galvin@nrc. ” 6. The enclosed report will be made available to the public via the U. Oliver D. A. Performance in this range indicates that a company is growing and can expect more revenue. NRR 301-415-1030 . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting comments on a regulatory basis to support a rulemaking to amend the NRC's regulations related to the use of conventional and accident tolerant light-water reactor fuel designs. 13). Robert M. : LIC-107, Revision 2 Office Instruction Title: Procedures for Handling License Transfers Effective Date: June 5, 2017 Approved By: Michele G. Subject: Request for Review and Endorsement of NEI 21-06, “Guidelines for 10 CFR 50. S. The office should not be confused with the NRC's Nuclear Regulatory Research. NRC Exelon . • NRR User Need Request (UNR) NRR-2015-009, “User Need Request for Support in the Enforcement Branch. gov Formatted:. Rowley P. 50-259, 50-260, and 50-296 License Nos. Bloom, NRR 301-415-1313 E-mail: Steven. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Margaret W. NRC GENERAL ELECTRIC A. m. ML21167A353 NRC-106 OFFICE NRR/DRO/IQVB NRR/DRO/IQVB NAME AKeim KKavanagh DATE 7//2021 7/8/2021 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE APRIL 12, 2023, CLOSED MEETING WITH ARC CLEAN TECHNOLOGY (EPID L-2023. Despite the stated NRR of 33, then, wearing the earplugs would only reduce noise exposure to an estimated 87 dB. The U. , to David Mathews, Director, NRR, and Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager, NRR, NRC, Divestiture Plan Regarding Indirect Transfer of the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR) (Jan. NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC) NBSR National Bureau of Standards Reactor OL operating license PIC pocket ion chamber PRA probabilistic risk assessment RCS reactor coolant system REM Roentgen Equivalent Man RG regulatory guide (NRC). NRC Feedback Regarding 4. Background Q. C. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) identified in considering which areas of the reactor safety arena to target for greater use of risk information. Since joining the NRC, she has held positions of increasing responsibility including Materials Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Branch Chief in NRR; Branch Chief, in the Office of New Reactors (NRO); and Deputy Director, Division of Advanced Reactors and Rulemaking, NRO. : LIC-105, Revision 5. A. FROM: Eva . office of nuclear reactor regulation office of nuclear material safety and safeguards office of federal and state materials and environmental management programs office of new reactors washington, dc 20555-0001 october 26, 2012 nrc information notice 2009-23, supplement 1: nuclear fuel thermal conductivity degradation addresseesOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Office Instruction No. NRC Feedback Regarding EVR-SAR-GL-004, “Code Verification and Validation Plan for Design Basis Safety Analysis” 2. ” The objective of this office instruction is to outline a process by which the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff and managersOFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 December 11, 2020 INFORMATION NOTICE 2007-21, Supplement 1: PIPE WEAR DUE TO INTERACTION OF. Monthly Reports to Congress. 2 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS In carrying out our FY2002 new initiative to improve office infrastructure, the first three NRR Office Instructions were issued in September 2000 and defined (1) the overall program, (2) the transition plan to implement the program, and (3) the requirements for developing and clp@nrc. Completion of regulatory audits supports the NRC's Effectiveness & Efficiency Goals. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction [email protected]:. ” 6. 0801-02 POLICY The NRC encourages the staff to identify issues that need program level attention and toCharles E. J. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend its regulations to certify the NuScale standard design for a small modular reactor. Chaired by the Office Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), the NRC RISC [email protected] U. : LIC-205, Revision 5 Office Instruction Title: Procedures for NRC’s Independent Analysis of Decommissioning Funding Assurance for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors Effective Date: Approved By: Approved Date: Primary Contacts: January 16, 2015Commission (NRC) has issued an exemption in response to an April 13, 2023, request, as supplemented. The difference between NRR and GRR is that GRR doesn’t account for. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, is a subordinate part of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION SUMMARY OF THE OCTOBER 31, 2023, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE EFFICIENCIES ON THE SUBSEQUENT LICENSE The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has overall responsibility for NRC's reactor program. · '. NRC Document Control Desk . Samson. Resident Inspector-927N DLWilliams -BPA/399 PD Robinson-Winston &Strawn 9807220%26 980715 PDR ADOCK 05000397 6 PDR. m. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The subject regulations are found in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 21, “Reporting of Defects andInterim Staff Guidance. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted the meeting in accordance with NRC Management Directive 3. D. FridayNRR Action Plans. Cumblidge@nrc. Lamb@nrc. S. Primary Contacts: Clayton Pittiglio George Wunder 301-415-1435 301-415-1494 [email protected] RIV, WCFO C Poslusny, Jr. : LIC-500, Revision 5 Office Instruction Title: Topical Report Process Effective Date: October 7, 2013 Approved By: Susan Abraham Date Approved: October 4, 2013 Primary Contacts: Stephen Philpott 301-415-2365 Stephen. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Cubbage, NRR D. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DRA Summary of Changes: This is Revision 4 of LIC-504, “Integrated Risk-Informed Decision-Making Process for Emergent Issues. My name is Anneliese Simmons (AS). gov 301-415-7038 301-415-3168 Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-115, which consolidates guidance from NRO. gov sep@nrc. govNRC after the business portion, but before the meeting is adjourned. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS LICENSEES’ PLANS FOR SUPPLIER OVERSIGHT BEYOND FREQUENCY EXTENSION LIMITS ALLOWED DURING THE CURRENT EXIGENT CONDITION . S. The NRC is required by Section 2. S. gov 301-415-4083 301-415-5342 Summary: This revision reflects the reunification of NRR and NRO and makes other. Tsao@nrc. • A good understanding of the requirements for proprietaryrecommendation to Division management (NRO, NRR, and Nuclear Security and Incident Response [NSIR]). Break: 10:45 a. NRC/NRR D. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR Temporary Staff Guidance Page 1 of 18 Temporary Staff Guidance No. To calculate NRR, deduct your revenue churn (contract expirations. They also focus on compliance activities, and complement NUREG-0933, "Resolution of Generic Safety Issues. 29, 2021, and the . gov Bill. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) is responsible for key components of the NRC’s nuclear reactor safety mission. Reactor. Commissioner Plenary Introduction and Moderator | Video | Transcript. About NRC. 50-271 Enclosure: Meeting Agenda cc w/encl: See next page. Chowdhury@nrc. . NRC Staff Contacts for Advanced Reactor Research Plan, REV 9 Area RES NRRINMSS/NSIR REAHFB Comments Contacts Regulatory Framework Mary. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed an activity to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license renewal of nuclear power plants from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Operational Programs Office of New Reactors Technical Contact: Liliana Ramadan, RES/DE 301-415-2463 E-mail: Liliana. ” The NRC staff’s subsequent assessment concluded that the NRC can meet the intent of R2. The staff will be conducting a review of NUREG-2150, "A. S. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Revision 6 Page 3 of 9 Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-17, “Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Power Reactor Licensees to the NRC Staff” (Ref. 8004 (f) 301. PERFORMANCE MEASURES Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . 5 = 88 dBA. NRC . S. Dennis Galvin, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U. This office instruction provides the guidance to implement the requirements in 10 CFR 50. 0305 - 2 - Issue Date:12/21/04. 689 cc: See next page CONTACT: Joseph M. Most stock VHS Motors include a Non-Reverse Ratchet (NRR), as indicated by their Catalog Number. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC) is an independent agency of the United States government tasked with protecting public health and safety related to nuclear energy. Robert Taylor. Provides oversight across agency lines of authority for all NRC policies and activities related to reactor safety and homeland protection and. -11:45 a. This is a meeting in which attendees will have an. Benney:MEETING CONTACTS: Leonard N. Mensah@nrc. ” 6 Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0308, Reactor Oversight Process Basis Document, describes theOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR Temporary Staff Guidance Page 1 of 18 Temporary Staff Guidance No. Kowalewski K. nrc . -NRR NRC Sr. Resident Inspector -927N 9707i50329 970703 PDR 'DOCK 05000397 P PDR DLWilliams -BPA/399 CR Wallis -EFSEC PD Robinson . TVA J. The NRC u nderstands Kairos plans to file the second portion of the Hermes application, anNRC 本部(メリーランド州ロックビル). remainder on Oct. Exhibitor: Taylor Lamb, Technical Assistant, NRR/NRC, 301-415-7128, Taylor. Pannier@nrc. ” This office Instruction incorporates the recommendations of the Committee To Review Generic Requirements. 50-259/90-32, 50-260/90-32, AND 50-296/90-32 This refers to the inspection conducted by N. Singh, NRR Madden, NRR E. S. Public Meeting Slides: ADAMS Accession No. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001, telephone: 301–415–6256; email:Greg Galletti, Human Factors Specialist, NRR T. , Suite 330 Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. gov donnie. gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . gov Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-206. (NRR) / REG-106 (NRO) ML20055E096, "Title 10 of. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached as Exhibit NRC-005. Change Notice. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Working Group. Reed@nrc. NRC/NRR NRC/OCM NRC/NRR/SPEB NRC/DS I /I CSB NRR/DSI/RSB NRR/DSI/RSB NRR CE NRG/PA NRC/OCA CPCo B&W NRC/DHFS NRC/RES NRG/RES NRC/IE NRC/IE DEDROGR Staff NRC/RES NRC NRC/IE • '. Nguyen@nrc. Wroblewski. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-8371, or Mahesh. Attachment . 05. H [email protected] Suresh Chaudhary, Region I Jason Jang, Region I (610) 337-5335 610-337-5220 E-mail: skc@nrc. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) opened GI-186 to address a concern related to the measures to protect against heavy load drops. via GovDelivery . Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001, telephone: 301–415–6256; email: Dennis. J. Eudy@nrc. gov Jason. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached as Exhibit NRC-004. Contact the Accounts Receivable License Fee Help Desk: Email: fees. S. cc: X-Energy Xe-100 . GROUP PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 19, 2012 On January 19, 2012, the U. The process and guidance provided in NEI 99-04 are a. gov. Gross revenue retention defined. Learn more about the NRC's mission, vision, and values, and how they work. Kuo J. Shea J. KUN NRR ANDREA LEE NRR SAM LEE NRR W. Section 2. Reyes, EDO, this office instruction has beenProject Overview. In addition, MIT established a very effective means of. As stated in the NRC staff’s letter to NuScale, dated May 11, 2022 (ML22124A209), the four Suppose you are using earmuffs with an NRR of 31 and earplugs rated 30. The pertinent license renewal OIs establish procedures for the license renewal. On March 29, 2022, the U. Anderson, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel, Autoliv, Inc. S. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) is responsible for accomplishing key components of the NRC's nuclear reactor safety mission. NRC -RIV TG Colburn-NRR NRC Sr. S. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Project No. NRR Office Instruction LIC-500, Revision 8 Page 4 of 4 • Technical staff conduct the TR reviews and determine if the TR is acceptable for use; and • Licensing Assistants in DORL will ensure that staff documents are consistent with the NRC writing and style guidance in the “NRC Editorial Style Guide. Toward that end, the U. These efforts take facilities from initial licensing through transition to decommissioning. S. – 11:30 [email protected] is a key metric for subscription companies and SaaS leaders looking to assess how sustainable their business’ revenue growth is. (JL) I am currently a Technical Assistant in the Division of. gov Bonnie. An NRR of less than 100% indicates contraction and that the company is on a less-stable footing. Peter. Develops assessment program policies and procedures. Rahimi, RES ADAMS Accession No: ML21111A005 [email protected]:OD 415-1542 rjj1@nrc. 59 Implementation at Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities” Project Number: 689 . Michael. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND NUCLEAR. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 4 to Regulatory Guide (RG), 1. C. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 September 26, 2017. Kairos submitted the first part of the application on Sept. Andrea Veil, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC; Meet the Moment—Remarks. Director: Theresa Clark (Acting) Deputy Director: Michael Hay. 01 Continuous Assessment of Operability 4 06. : LIC-401, R. Putnam N. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . 7, the associated MD 8. Plant. NRR Deputy Office Director for New Reactors Robert Taylor. Philpott@nrc. Walton on September 1. gov Anthony J. gov tracy. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) hybrid working group (WG) hosted 5 check-in meetings to serve as venues for NRR staff and branch chiefs to provide open and honest feedback, recommendations, and/or suggestions to the WG on specific focus areas related to. Prescott, NRR G. 2, REVISION 2 - NUREG-0800 -STANDARD REVIEW PLAN FOR THE REVIEW OF SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS This revision supersedes NRR Office. : LIC-400. g. NRC/NRR and NEI 2:00 –2:15 pm Status of Non-Light Water Reactor PRA Acceptability Regulatory Guide NRC/NRR 2:15 –2:45 pm Draft White Paper on Inservice Inspection/Inservice Testing Guidance NRC/NRR and INL 2:45 –3:15 p. Fax, 301-415-3548. on the NRC’s assessment of licensee performance. gov Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site, Commission (NRC). Vogtle 3 & 4 Project Office. At the conclusion of the inspection, thenrr/de/ecgb/a nrr/drch/hicb nrr/dssa/srxb ogc/hds3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 file~center g. A. Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. 31, 2021. (NRR) / REG-106 (NRO) ML20055E096, "Title 10 of. Mendiola 301-415. Telephone: 301-415-7554. OIG . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is currently engaged in review activities of the Hermes construction permit application. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DRIP Summary of Changes: This is the initial issuance of LIC-400, “Procedures for Controlling the Development of New and Revised Generic Requirements for Power Reactor Licensees. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) NRC/NRR ENTERGY OPERATIONS INC. The purpose of an NRC rating is to provide a simpler way to determine how well an acoustical. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. Research and Test Reactors. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Dear Mr. vania Power and Light Company FACILITY: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF QUARTERLY MEETING MITH. NRR Office Director. Kingsley: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. FROM: Yamir Diaz-Castillo, Reactor Operations Engineer /RA/ Quality Assurance and Vendor Inspection Branch . I have been employed by the NRC for over six years. -'SUBJECT: Responds to NRC 980618 ltr re violations noted in insp rept 50-397/98-10. IP-71002, "License Renewal Inspections," provides the procedures for. 2 Joseph Ashcraft NRC/NRR/DEX/EICB Grace Kim NRC/OGC Susan Vrahoretis NRC/OGC Anthony Rossi NRC/OCFO/DOB/LFPT David D'Abate NRC/OCFO/DOC Indeed, the NRR concluded that the change in core damage frequency risk due to the potential CSFI-caused failure of a safety-related SSC was less than one in 10,000 per year for the most likely type of components that the NRC Staff inferred would be impacted in the OIG's report. Lain [email protected]@nrc. based company developing a fluoride salt cooled high temperature reactor (KP-FHR) using TRISO fuel in pebble form. al. Veil is the first African American and first woman to be appointed as Director of NRR. Home Nuclear Reactors Operating Reactors Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Plant Summaries - Quarterly Performance Summary. NRR Deputy Office Director for Reactor Programs TBD. 152, ``Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power [email protected] Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, is a subordinate part of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Mendiola 301-415-1054 Anthony. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools for. PERFORMANCE MEASURESOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . In particular, the U. Joseph Sebrosky, NRR, NRC . trade association that advances the mutual interests of railway contractors and suppliers who construct, maintain and supply railroads and rail-transit lines. The main points of discussion during the meeting included: For slide 5, the NRC staff asked about BWXT’s experience with tri-structural isotropic As a result, the NRC staff has concluded that supplemental information on this topic is required before the NRC staff could accept the SDA application for docketing and conduct a detailed technical review of all aspects of the application. Paulk, Region IV, et al. The following table provides access to the construction permit application for Hermes and other documents that Kairos Power, LLC has submitted to support the review of the application. S. U. Gran, NRR R. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DRA Summary of Changes: This is Revision 3 of LIC-504,. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DPR/PSPB Summary of Changes: This change reflects recent. ” The objective of this office instruction is to outline a process by which the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff and managers Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Contacts: Ali Rezai, NRR Nick Taylor, Region IV 301-415-1328 817-200-1137 Ali. The list of attendees is enclosed. gov Enclosure: Figures 1 and 2 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRC’s Mission • To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of nuclear materials in order to ensureuse of nuclear materials in order to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment. NRC staff held public meetings with Oklo on September 1, 16, and 28, 2021 (meeting summaries available at ADAMS Accession Nos. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: James Kim, Project Manager /RA/ Plant Licensing Branch I Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. It also contains information concerning the recording and reporting requirements of NRC licensees. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: James Kim, Project Manager /RA/ Plant Licensing Branch I Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. アメリカ合衆国原子力規制委員会 (アメリカがっしゅうこくげんしりょくきせいいいんかい、 英: Nuclear Regulatory Commission 、略称: NRC )は、 アメリカ合衆国 政府の 独立機関 の一つであり、合衆国内における原子力. On December 22, 2004, the NRR Director and the Research (RES) Director jointly authorized the implementation of the NRC Reactor OpE Program, as described in the draft policy, program, and procedural documents, in the form of a draft management directive MD 8. , N. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff’s periodic review of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Subject: NEI 09-14, Guideline for the Management of Buried Piping Integrity. Date Approved: October 4, 2013 Primary Contacts: Stephen Philpott 301-415-2365 Stephen. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF ACTIVITY TO CONSIDER LICENSE RENEWAL FOR 40 YEARS OF ADDITIONAL NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION . gov E-mail: sxk@nrc. September 13, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Evangelos C. Founded in 1978, the NRC connects members with other railway industry professionals and. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Inspection. ”. Ashley Roberts. S. : Pkg: ML23198A157 Letter: ML23198A163. It is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to address questions raised by other Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) organizations in a timely manner with a level of effort commensurate with the significance 1 of the underlying issue. Whitman, NRR, et al. gov, no subject, and use one of the following commands in the message portion: subscribe gc-nrr (first and last name) unsubscribe gc-nrr (first and last name)• The NRC staff mentioned that there is an advantage of submitting the Environmental Report (ER) using the standard format. David Lochbaum, Nuclear Safety Engineer Union of Concerned ScientistsOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS BI‑MONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 17, 2022 On November 17, 2022, the U. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Cost Activity Codes . H. is available on the NRC website. Harrison J. Corrective actions:individual has been. gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 . Title: Letter from NEI transmitting NEI 21-07, Revision 0, Technology Inclusive Guidance for Non-Light Water Reactors Safety Analysis Report Content for Applicants Utilizing NEI 18-04 Methodology Project NumberIt is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to employ the strategies in NUREG-1614, Volume 8, “Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2022–2026,” issued October 2013 (Ref. Ho [email protected] me at (301) 415-4007, or e-mail at John. Production and Utilization Facilities . gov Ross Telson 301-415-2256 rdt@nrc. Lyons, NRR R. Primary Contact: Name Name 301-415-xxxx name. gov Shilp Vasavada 301-415-1228 Shilp. IRA! Plant Licensing Branch 11-2. h 1-: . Lainas, NRR F. Olshan, NRR Sean E. : ADM-202, Revision 1. FROM: Donna Williams, Senior Project Manager /RA/ Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch 1 . Commission (NRC) Petition Review Board (PRB) regarding a 10 CFR 2. [email protected] Matthew. Documents issued to clarify or to address issues not discussed in a Standard Review Plan (SRP). SUMMARY: The U. Accession Number. Participants included representatives of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR); Region III applicable NRR, NRC, and Government-wide standards, policies, laws, and regulations. Office of the Inspector General . / RA / David B. Additionally, ARC also requested responses to three specific questions that were posed to the NRC staff during a May 3, 2023, clarification call regarding the WP. nrr/pmas/ilrb12 oe~ilelieberman,j 02 nrc pdr copies lttr encl. J. 2000s: | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed an activity to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license.